10:27 am
we fly on Friday!
i can't wait!
although yesterday it appeared phred may be flying solo.
we had a huge fight and i absolutely freaked out.
to the point where i was staring at him sitting in
front of the computer my anger boiling, i glanced at
my tripod behind him. i pictured myself smashing him with it,
then realizing how crazy that was i pictured myself destroying the
computer. a second later realizing that that wouldn't work either because
it was cost way to much to replace, so instead i found myself punching
the closet till my knuckle turned blue. phred called me crazy.
i'm not crazy. i behaved poorly but i felt that i had no other recourse
no other way to get that anger out. it didn't help anything at all
but in that spilt second after i finished hitting the closet and before
my hands started to hurt i felt great.
then i started crying uncontrollably
we talked and all is well.
this is the second knock down kind of fight we've had in the
past 3 months and i don't like it one bit. after the fact phred tells
me how much closer he feels to me, that its good we got it out of the way.
all i feel is further away and that i haven't got anything through.
anything that did get through i feel is so misunderstood, that i'm misunderstood
even with phred at times. i don't doubt our relationship
but in those moments i do. i expressed that to phred and he told
me that even in the worst of times he doesn't doubt us. i guess somewhere
in the back of my head i always thought he'd leave me one
day. i would never ask him to say he wouldn't, no one can guarantee
i out for now my friends.
a special hello to S.O.B
i'll be thinking of you when i touch myself.