8:27 am
Still recovering from our long weekend. Fred and I went back country camping
in Alongquin provincial Park, it was the most remote camping adventure we have
ever been on. It took a good 5 hours to paddle out to our site, not to mention the
many and long portatages we had to go through. I have to say I'm very impressed with
both of us. We work well as a team. At times we did get tense with each other but that's only
to be expected when you spend that amount of time with someone in a canoe on a hot
sunny day paddling into the wind! On our way home we stopped to see our
"special friends" at their cottage for a little visit. Not a sex visit, her Dad and his girlfriend were there. The whole point of the visit was just to see them, besides having
great sex together Fred and I really enjoy their company. Fred got a lot of teasing about my engagement ring which makes him so uncomfortable. I told K how much it was worth knowing she would share that information with her husband which is fine, they are our friends but Fred was clearly not wanting to discuss it. So being a good finance I diverted the conversation away from my amazing ring and made Fred feel better. It was kind of funny actually, K's husband noticed and on our way out mentioned it to me and said that next time were all together we won't discuss dollar amounts anymore. Fred and M are very similar in many ways. They both come from stinky rich family's but you'd never know it, both of them are very reserved when it comes to speaking about money.
Anyway, I've booked this Thursday off to finally deal with the pain I've had in my right side for about a month now. I am definitely concerned.
I better get to work.
araMAT * hurts *