
3:44 pm

i feel like my mind is still exploding from friday night!
apparently my coworker really likes coke. we met some
sketchy guys in a parking lot that she knew and from there
we were up all night!
i danced and danced and danced.
a Russian guy felt my tits
and tried his hardest to take me home.
one of those gargantuan guys that would
crush me to death
not my type at all.
kept my eyes out for S.O.B but he was no where to be seen.
i was recognized by another guy from xvi though,
freaky having that happen.

all is OK.



3:41 pm

well the car is absolutely fucked.
we need a new exhaust system according to
the dealer. the estimate they gave not including
labor was $1330! agh!
there goes my nice govenment pay check....
i've been writing like mad at work but i still don't have
internet access to post anything in my blog!
i miss my blog!

hi sexy office boy! i miss you!




ahhh the government life.
home by 3:30 pm every day.....i like it.
i hate cleaning up though when i get home
phred leaves the place in ruins!

it looks like my first big government check is
going to the car! the muffler has died
all that remains is an obscenely loud noise
that causes people to stare at me when i drive by.
the estimate is outrages, going for a second
opinion tomorrow.
besides that all is relatively well.



9:24 am

paid day off! this is when i like working for the
so badly i want to go back to sleep but i keep
having bad dreams about my dad.
he won't talk to me on the phone about him being
sick, he's in complete denial it seems. mum says
that they talk about everything now but he doesn't
want his "girls" to worry. i'm not a child so no matter
if he tells me whats going on or my mum i'm going to
worry regardless.
besides that all is relativily well.
phred came home.



9 pm

phred just left. we had been fighting since we got home.
he said not to expect him back tonight.
he just took my cell phone and stormed out.
i'm scared



4:07 pm

sitting here waiting for my dam hotmail to open!
why so slow today?
it looks like i'll get a pay check this week for 3 days!
so happy! some people got them today i really need
that $$$...
yesterday meg called, she and nash are coming
up next month for my b-day. not what i wanted
but i can't do much about it now.

i'll see you soon!



3:59 pm
home from another intensely boring day.
i just wanted to scream at my instructors
but instead i just internalized all the frustration.
i'm hoping to find a better outlet for all this



4:19 pm

i just got home from work to find the
apartment a total mess. now that i'm
working i won't be compensating by doing
all the domestic chores phred will have to start
doing his part again. this week my routine
after work is to come home, clean up then i'm out
of here to get phred for 5pm. i'd rather come home and
chill for a bit but then it will never get done.
nash and meg are harassing me about coming up
here next month for my birthday. i should actually write
"our birthday" meaghan and share that special day.
now that she's in ontario she wants us to celebrate together,
which i would normally like but she wants us to lie about our age now
that were getting older. i have no problems with turning 29.
i have problems with meaghan and feel she would stress me out way
too much even enjoy my birthday.
i don't know what to do?
phred thinks i should tell them NO. he'd not too fond of meg.

kisses to S.O.B



4:07 pm

sexy office boy you've been in my dreams
a lot lately.



4:17 pm

my first day working for the government was really
that chick who was in line yelling and swearing when i went
for security clearance sat right next to me.
this afternoon she started to eat her fake finger nails off, yuck!




9:56 am
i was so convinced that when phred stooped
working shifts that things would return to
something resembling normal. now after i pick him
up from work at 5 pm we come home and he sleeps on
the couch for at least 2 hours. at the beginning of the week
i'd join him for a little siesta but i can't sleep at 5pm! i'm thinking
about dinner and other things. after his nap he'll get up either happy or
mad that i didn't wake him sooner, then he'll eat and maybe go out.
so he stays up late, i go to bed and we repeat the next day. i've
tried seducing him awake from his naps with no success, its been
at least 2 weeks since we've had sex and i'm about to explode!
next week i begin my contract and my hours are 7:30 am to 3:30 pm
i'm hoping that things will start to take on the shape of a somewhat
consistent relationship again. this is our anniversary as well. we don't
have a specific date but we remember that 7 years ago in march we
were fucking so decided to make it our anniversary...

well tomorrow is international women's day!
i'm going to try and rallying the chicks i know to go
downtown to march. i miss my activism days....

i also just found out that my dad is sick.
he has permanent liver damage from
alcohol and drug abuse. so far his continued drinking
baffles me but he cuts me off when i try to bring it up. my
mum told me in confidence about him being sick, i'm not
even suppose to let him know that i know! fucking nuts my family...


*i saw you sexy office boy on t.v last night HOT!*


11:59 am

the amount of forms i had to fill out today
to work for the government is insane! plus they actually
make you pledge allegiance to the Queen,
i refused to do it with my hand on the bible
that's just not good for me anyway.
down with the monarchy and their symbolic hold
on Canada! lol !!

so sexy office boy, are you still mad at me?
or just disappointed? join the line of other
disgruntled people who have issues with me.



1:57 pm

i had this friend in high school who's
motto was "look out for # 1"
obviously being oneself, his thinking was
that no one else would be doing it for you.
i think i should start subscribing to that.
often i put others needs before my
own, i'm no martyr for doing it things just work out
that way sometimes. sometimes i'm more than happy
to put other peoples priorities ahead of mine it would just
be nice to be at the top of the list of someone else's.
i'm tired of the disappointment.
i'm tired of disappointing others and i think its time to start
taking care of number one!
so there!


9:29 am

well i got an even better job that starts
next week for the government. i'll probably
not like the work but the money is fantastic!
i just slipped in the 7/11 it was so wet and i fell into
the cell phone display. i think my suppa star moves really
impressed those laughing assholes.... my arm hurts!

i've got plans for the weekend! so happy!
its my friends birthday and he got us on the guest list
at his bar to see the NEW DEAL !!! i can't wait to dance
dance shake my pants!! now to feel better i just need
to get LAID! and soon.



9:29 am

i got a job! i start on wednessay!
i now work for a parliamentary newspaper.
i'm so excited to be working downtown again,
i can't wait!

besides that bit of good news my weekend was
relatively uneventful. yesterday phred and i went
to meet a friend of his family's daughter. he's known
her since he was kid but hasn't seen her in about
10 years or so. he said when he was little he thought
he'd grow up to marry her...so cute.
i really liked her.

i also got an order for one of my fuzzy beaded bracelets,
very happy about that.
also very worried still about my dad. friday i was speaking
to my mum at around 7:30 pm and he still wasn't home yet.
my mum made some sort of flippant response about it being
friday and who knows where he is....
i feel completely helpless.

and extremely horny! its been way too long..
