11:24 am
so it begins.
this afternoon i go into WORK!
paid WORK. i'm so excited to join the masses
once again....
although i'm having trouble finding something to wear, i guess
once i get paid i'll have to buy some new clothes. only after
i pay all my bills and money to phred. its going to take awhile
to get back on track..
my cute neighbor just lent me her sandals. she's such a sweet lady but
a little nosey. every time i'm outside she's there. she even caught me
sneaking a smoke the other day. she came over and lectured me!
today i'm taking the bus to work. i haven't rode the bus in at least a
year. i'm sure the experience has remained the same, with gas so expensive
and my office right down town where there is no where to park it only
makes sense that i take the bus or walk. its such a lovely day i think i'll walk
my amazing sista in T.O just got her funky earrings into a cute shop on Queen st. i'm so proud of her.
last night i made myself new earrings to wear to work today, new jewelry always makes me feel amazing!
well, i better get myself together. i wanna look good for my work foto!
araMAT *has a job!*